This year I am launching a comprehensive program in leadership coaching and learning, a series of webinars and courses.
You may want to: (a) Register for an individual webinar listed below ((b) sign up for the wlole series of webinars at a special rate (c) sign up for a two-session online learning program which includes the webinar and follow-up online sessions and resources which you can access at any time (d) apply for the liminted spots for a “Leading from a Different Place”: a comprehensive series of 6 leadership coaching session, webinars and the online learning sessions. If you would like to apply for this package, sign up for an appointment for a complimentary introductory session here.
“Leading on Purpose: Re-igniting Our Call“
September 16, 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern
What does it mean to be “leading from an emerging future” rather than simply “downloading from the past?’
Drawing upon some of the perspectives and practices that the facilitator has learned from Otto Scharmer and Theory U, we will utilize the disciplines that help the future that wants to emerge in and through us at this critical time in history.
The dynamics of “our calling” or guiding purpose shift over a lifetime and within different societal and ecological contexts. We will hone the practices that can help us articulate and embody our leadership in a way that is informed by sensing deeply our own experiences and those of the contexts within which we lead.

What soul signals are we receiving at this “season” of our own “calling” from within us or from a dramatically changing world? What is wanting to emerge in our living and our leading?
After a brief presentation, you will be led into structured reflective process to help you determine some of your own inner responses to questions like these. We will then have a facilitated discussion following this inquiry with a “guidebook” to use following the webinar.
This is a good introduction to those of you who sign up for the Leading From a Different Place Comprehensive Leadership Learning and Coaching Program for details go to www.leadingfromadifferentplace.com
To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-on-purpose-re-igniting-our-call-tickets-111553094308
“Reviewing and Revising our Leadership Narrative“
October 7, 2020, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern
We lead from the stories that we tell ourselves and that we incorporate into our perspectives of our organizations. The emergent use of the narrative approaches to promote deep change can be incorporated into the practices of personal and organizational leadership. In this webinar, we will:Analyze how our own stories can limit or widen the horizon of our leadership practices Do a “deep dive” into the personal narratives that guide your current leadershipDiscover ways to utilize story as part of a four part process for engaging ourselves as leaders and our organizations in a process for renewal and changeDevelop a specific plan for incorporating what you learn into your on-going practices of leadership
Drawing on insights from his extensive study of narrative therapy and narrative coaching the facilitator will offer ways for reflecting on our perspectives and shifting our practices that arise from our own explicit or implicit narratives
To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reviewing-and-revising-our-leadership-narrative-tickets-111551623910
“Leading Competently Within Inevitable Differences and Conflict“
November 4, 2020, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern
Most of us would rather not encounter conflict. Yet, we know that differences are inevitable. We will focus on learning from your own self- assessment about your patterns when differences arise. This webinar will help you to
- Use the Conflict Dynamics Profile (see below) as a way to observe and reflect upon your own conflict dynamics and that of others
- Learn perspectives and practices for attempting to tilt a conflictual interaction toward constructive engagement and learning
- Identify your own “hot buttons” so that you can construct new responses rather than merely be reactive
- Develop actionable insights and take-away a Personal Development Plan for the ongoing cultivating of your conflict competent leadership
In preparation for the webinar, you will receive a link to take the Conflict Dynamics Profile (R), which must be completed by October 23, 20220 n order to receive your personal report prior to the webinar. The price for the webinar includes the cost of this profile.
To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-competently-within-inevitable-differences-and-conflict-tickets-111555688066
“Leading Through Conversation: A Practicum on Converational Intelligence (R)“
December 2 2020, 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern
In leadership and in life, a lot depends upon the quality of our conversations. The quality of our conversations impact the quality of our relationships and our organizations.
We often think that conversations are simply about talking, sharing, information, telling people what to do, or telling others what’s on our minds. Judith Glaser, pioneered a way of understanding conversations in multi-dimensional ways. Drawing on insights from neuroscience and her practice-based research as discussed in her book, Conversational Intelligence she develops some useful frameworks for understanding conversations. In this webinar we will draw upon a few of these frameworks: her conversational matrix and her rebuilding trust processes.
I had the wonderful opportunity to study for a number of months with Judith Glasser in an intensive program designed for leadership coaches. In this webinar, we will learn some of her basic frameworks for attending to our conversations with insights from neuropsychology. We will engage in ways that hone some practical insights for our leadership.
“Leading Thorugh Resistance & Resilience: Immunity to Change (R)“
January 4, 2021, 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern
with Lawrence Peers, congregational consultant, leadership coach and a certified Immunity to Change ® facilitator
We aspire, set goals and make resolutions—and oftentimes, we discover that we are not able to follow through or sustain those changes. We are often not aware of what it is that is preventing the change that we seek for ourselves or for our organizations. In this introduction to Immunity to Change ® webinar you will be guided through a process of identifying a significant improvement goal and assessing what undermines moving forward on this goal. We will surface the Immunity to Change ® that once “visible” can help you find some new levers for moving forward. Based on the work of Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey of the Harvard School of Education, this Immunity to Change ® work can be a powerful process for breaking through on a particular goal and future goals you may have.
To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-thorugh-resistance-resilience-immunity-to-change-r-tickets-111554101320
“Leading Reactively or Responsively: Insights from the Leadership Circle (R)“
February 3, 2021 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern
Our world is being rocked to the core in many ways.
Our reactions to what is come from our own development as a person and is honed by our capacities to have self-awareness and to be self-authoring in systems that often seek conformity or compliance.

We are on the precipice of great creative change. This requires us to be able to lead in ways that can draw from uncommon sense and collective wisdom
This webinar will draw insights from integral leadership and The Leadership Circle. For those who are interested, this follow-up , powerful and insightful, 360-degree and a coaching session will be available.